Are you ready to:
Become a better version of yourself?Look at and release the beliefs that no longer serve you?Eliminate a feeling or habit?Explore your gifts?Get a better understanding of the life you want?
As you know, life can hit you with some pretty hard blows . . . each so different for each one of us. We are all products of our individual environments and experiences.
Introspective Hypnosis allows you to explore your subconscious and release unwanted emotions or behaviors so you have more clarity, hear your guidance, discover your gifts and gain a better understanding of your unique purpose.
Introspective Hypnosis . . . gentle yet powerful.

Waking to wisdom
Channeled Writings
Why introspective hypnosis?
Laura's Promise
As you are exploring the possibility of an Introspective Hypnosis session, know that all of your answers are within. Your conscious mind filters what you access, and your logical mind can override what you innately know.
This session gives you the opportunity to really explore yourself in-depth without interference from your “programmed” logical mind. It is a way to really understand yourself and listen to your guidance.
You are unique and your session will unfold as it needs to. Keep an open mind and remember, I facilitate the session, but you are actually doing the healing. We work together in a safe confidential environment where understanding and healing go hand in hand.
Hold on for the adventure. It is an exciting ride!